I knew I had things to do that I could avoid, but one major thing I had to get my butt in gear to achieve was buying glue and brushes for my craft group with the elders at my local dementia centre.
So I dragged myself to the shop bought my equipment, got back in, drenched in sweat, then realised, doh another plastic fail...
I had bought a bottle of PVA glue and plastic bulky brushes.
Many people I have discussed my plastic free July challenge with have doubted it's achievability "but how?! It's everywhere!" and they are right, it's bloomin hard!
Many feel the task is so large that there's no point trying and what I say to them is, Have a Go, Fail then Keep Going because the little you do achieve will have a big impact and will lead to further changes in your life.
Since last years Plastic Free July (which I failed miserably at) I now:
- carry a metal bottle for water that I always carry and top up;
- a foldable shopping bag always in my bag;
- bars of soap instead of soap liquid;
- occasionally I use shampoo bars and occasionally I use wooden tooth brushes;
- I mainly buy loose fruit not packaged;
- and I'm in the long process of converting my old plastic bags into plastic yarn to making a things with.
So you see that's a pretty good start.
So this year I am re awakening to the plastic problem and re booting my goals and awareness.
I've realised to make this work I need to plan ahead.
Like with my craft day I need to source wooden brushes and made flour and water paste.
Try again, Fail again, Fail better!
Good Luck Fellow Plascateers!
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